As an induction project, we were tasked to generate an art history timeline featuring the following art movements:
Abstract Expressionism, Art Deco, Art Nouveau, Constructivism, Cubism, Dada, Expressionism, Fauvism, Impressionism, Minimalism, Op Art, Pop Art, Street Art, Surrealism, Young British Artist (YBA).
As well as putting these in the correct order, we had to include information on each movement with facts such as the name, dates, summary in our own words, list of key artists, and an original illustration based on each of the movements.
The layout and sizes were up to us completely; however it must be produced by hand. Recommended styles were the concertina style, which was what I ended up using for mine.
As our introduction project, we all picked an art movement at random to produce ideas, sketches, research and ultimately a final piece that would belong on a postcard. This would ultimately be displayed in the art corridor and act as one of the first few examples of my work, which would also show off the work I can do and set the standard for the rest of the work I will produce. My final piece was inspired by Princess Diana as according to my research, the Art Deco movement and particularly the artworks I liked best featured strong women showed in powerful ways. Because of this I felt she fit the idea well in a modern version of the style. I really like the way this final outcome turned out as I think I achieved the style well.
As my first real project I think both the research I conducted, and the final piece achieved the goal and met the brief. After deciding what I was going to do, I used sketches including different  compositions which helped me when I made my final artwork. I think the mix of watercolour and coloured pencils fits it well as I could achieve the light wash effect on many of the pieces I used as reference. I think the most successful element is the background as it references the very recognisable art deco  architecture and design as well as the very common feature of metallic colours in the artworks. Overall, I feel I met the brief in creating a unique piece easily recognisable as the art deco style. 
Art Movements

Art Movements


Creative Fields